Self-Innovation Program

This is for you when: you ready to kickstart a holistic and creative self-innovation program by redesigning your life (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually).

What’s included: Included in this 12-week program are 6 coaching sessions, 2 hands-on workshops, and 4 somatic therapy sessions.

Expected takeaways: Committing to this self-innovation program will allow you to walk away with:

  1. a basic understanding of your intelligence and intensities profile*

  2. a clear vision of where you want to go and how you want to get there based on your authentic value hierarchy

  3. awareness of, and started the healing of the wounds of the past that may be keeping you stuck in patterns of behavior that no longer serve you

*if you have done a formal assessment with Intergifted, this step will be replaced by an exercise that we will define together



DURATION: This 12-week program takes place on Zoom and includes 6 coaching sessions of 60 minutes, 2 workshops of 90 minutes, and 4 somatic therapy sessions of 90 minutes. There may be some homework assignments before and in between sessions, taking between 30-60 minutes. If you can’t commit to 12 consecutive weeks, that’s OK, we can flexibly arrange the sessions over a span of 6 months.

COST: The cost of this program is CHF 1950.00 paid as 3 monthly payments of CHF 650.00 or 6 monthly payments of CHF 325.00.

OVERVIEW: In this program we combine coaching with creative brainstorming and somatic healing! The aim of this program is to (re)design your life in a holistic manner:

  • Kick-off: In your first 2 coaching sessions we will explore your unique intelligence and intensities profile and discuss your needs and wants. These sessions take 60 minutes and come with pre-work that will take you around 1-2 hours.

  • Core Program: This combines 2 workshops with 2 coaching and 4 somatic healing sessions dedicated to balancing out and redesigning your ideal life and ideal representation of the Self across 4 pillars: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

    • Workshop: Focuses on developing your authentic value hierarchy

    • 2 Somatic Sessions: Developing safety through resourcing and becoming aware of limiting beliefs and possible wounds, releasing physical tension and emotional energy to break the trauma loop and move beyond limiting patterns

    • Coaching: help integrate the learnings from the workshop and somatic sessions

    • Workshop: Focuses on building self-compassion through mindful visualization and contemplative art

    • 2 Somatic Sessions: Continue with releasing physical tension and emotional energy to break the trauma loops and move beyond limiting patterns

    • Coaching: help integrate the learnings from the workshop and somatic sessions

  • Closing Coaching: The 2 closing coaching sessions wrap it all up to look back, revise some of the work done (needs, wants, values), celebrate the progress you made, and define your next steps on your journey of self-innovation.