Download your free copy of Gifted Quest

🔴 Intro to my practice and offering

🔴 Difference between gifted-specific and standard coaching / somatic therapy

🔴 70+ simple tools for nervous system regulation

The toolkit is intended to help you become more aware of what’s happening inside of you and to start exploring mild to moderate (1-4 on a scale of 1-10) challenges, emotions, beliefs, and thoughts. To work through moderate to strong ones (5-10 on a scale of 1-10), particularly those related to trauma, it's recommended to seek the guidance of a trained professional.

Emotional Center Awareness Chart

🔴 Do you describe your emotions by intellectually explaining them, instead of what you really feel?

🔴 Do you feel these things in your body and don’t know how to explain what this means to you?

🔴 Get familiar with how our emotions and trauma talk with us through our emotional centers

In my work I use Pia Mellody's practice experience to differentiate between healthy (own) and unresolved trauma emotions (carried) and combined this with the emotional centers in the body, as per the work of e.g. The Bodily Map of Emotions, Balanced Women’s Blog and The Mind’s Journal.

Working with emotional centers can be a starting point to help put a framework, vocabulary and structure around your feelings. You can use this to understand what you may be feeling, or you can use it to explain to your loved ones or the trained professional(s) you’re working with what you are feeling.

Emotional Awareness Wheel

🔴 Do you struggle to listen to your body and feelings as you mainly live in your head?

🔴 Do you have thoughts, beliefs & behaviors such as:

  • I don’t need anyone, I can sort it all out by myself

  • I’m self-critical and self-blaming (“it must be my fault”)

  • I’m dwelling on past mistakes, punish myself for mistakes

  • I’m short fused, have uncontrolled rage

  • I’m a people pleaser - can’t say no

  • I make choices out of fear, guilt, obligation - not because I really want to

  • I have poor sleep

In my work I use Pia Mellody's framework to differentiate between healthy and unresolved emotions. "Own emotions", the healthy ones, arise from a person's authentic self and are rooted in the present moment, while "carried emotions" are often unresolved emotions stuck in a trauma loop, picked up from past experiences, or others' emotions (often primary caretakers), leading to dysfunctional behaviors and patterns deeply engrained into your adult personality. Do some of these stand out more than others?

It's important to take into consideration the severity of the issue, how it interacts with our day-to-day life, and whether it's affecting our relationships or ability to meet our responsibilities.

Toolkit with 70+ exercises and ideas for self-regulation

🔴 70+ simple tools for nervous system regulation

🔴 Become more aware of what’s happening inside of you and start exploring mild to moderate (1-4 on a scale of 1-10) challenges, emotions, beliefs, and thoughts

To work through moderate to strong ones (5-10 on a scale of 1-10), particularly those related to trauma, it's recommended to seek the guidance of a trained professional. I’ve developed more profound and complex experiences and exercises for my 1:1 coaching and somatic therapy sessions, adapted to the needs of the gifted community.